Sunday, April 15, 2007

Same ol'shit.

seriously, how many times do i have to go through this?
for goodness' sake, i'm already twenty-one this year.

why cant you see?
am i supposed to stick by you every single living breathing monent?
why can i have that freedom i've yearned so much to have ever since i can remember?
every single time without fail, you harp on it.
putting me through this shit. its damn fucking anal.
why the fucking hell do you always have to give this shit and start to put me on some fucking "guilt trip"?
fuck, i dont even have anything to be guilty about.

fine i'm not your perfect daughter.
but at least give me the credit that i tried to come close.
and i'm still trying.
if that's still not enough for you, then just fuck it.

there will come a time where i dont fucking care anymore.

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