Friday, August 17, 2007

Econs Year 3, Semester 1.

not much of an update, but well, school's officially started and moving into full swing.
welcome week highlight on wednesday - ice skating (:
(but there actually was quite some time during the thing when i was pretty put out. ): cos of, well...)
and so because the event ended late, it made no sense to take a cab home all alone while the rest went back to hall.
therefore i camped in huifen's room overnight.
and self-delcared today a free day. SHHHH.

i've also applied for the exchange programme for next semester.
hopefully i'll get something. hah.

i just realised that most of the people i know (in hall) will be graduating in less than a year's time.
and that includes huifen. (and euni too.)
time really flies so quickly. cliche but true.
and in another year plus, it will be my turn donning the convocation gowns.
i really haven't thought of where i'd wanna go (to work). =/

but for now, i guess, its to enjoy the moment.
treasure what's left of school. again, cliche but true.

funny how some people dont understand the simple logic of karma.

为什么我难过只肯让你安慰 ? ):

this is random.
jude law is damn hot. -melts-

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